"Big Needle"


Legal Marketing Awards

If you're a law firm marketer who is proud of your recent efforts in promoting your law firm, check out the Legal Marketing Association New England Chapter's 2003 Your Honor Awards. Find out more on the LMA NE web site.

Web logs in your marketing mix?

This entry on Why You Should Include Blogs in Your Marketing Mix on Amy Campbell's Web Log gives you some insight into what these experiments are all about here on Big Needle.


Law Firm Search Engine Successes

Law firm Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell continues to pull well on Google. Our big needle strategy is on track. Here's a few phrases that all returned the top rank in March as well as today... (that's both #1 AND #2 spots!)
- resort law
- new hampshire lobbyist
- new hampshire law firm
- new hampshire utilities law
No tricks or schemes here, just straight up relevant content served fresh and often with a dash of secret sauce. The result of a 4 year commitment and careful attention to detail. More success stories to come.


Blogs and Law Marketing

Just found out that this article I wrote for the June issue of Strategies (the journal of the Legal Marketing Association) was posted on its web site as well. Here it is: Blogs Rising: An Important New Web Trend with Law Marketing Potential. A list of links for additional resources on this topic are available on my Infoworks! web site.

Thanks Law Office Computing

Thanks to Sandy Rolph at Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell, I've finally seen the issue of Law Office Computing that quotes me as part of the article on using technology to market law firms. Worth repeating here are: "By publishing information of value, we were able to differentiate the firm and the attorneys. It worked beyond our expectations. Google has fallen in love with the site because of all the content we have." Also: "Advertising doesn't go very far on the Internet, but information does." Will eventually post a link to the article as promised.


Using Technology to Market Law Firms

I'm pleased to report that my client, Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell, is featured in the current issue (August/September 2003) of Law Office Computing magazine in an article on law firms using technology to market their services. A big part of the firm's efforts involves their content-rich web site that I developed and help them manage, as well as their monthly e-newsletter. While the firm is smallish in size, they get a big bang for the buck through their investment in technology to improve their ability to keep in touch with their clients. And, of course, Google also loves their content-rich, optimized web site! I'll post a link to the article when available.

The Experiment Continues...

Now that I've got Blogger Pro going with RSS feeds, I've started this new web log for purely selfish reasons of learning through experimentation with linking and rss feeds, etc. Snake oil salesman-type stuff I wasn't comfortable to post on my Harvard-branded blog.