"Big Needle"


NH Mediator Online News Pickup: Questioning the Value of PRWeb Distribution

In the past, a well-written and legitimate press release delivered via PRWeb's online news release distribution system was an effective way to get a little SEO boost, and maybe get a little press. Given Google's algorithm updates this spring, I'm wondering if there are any changes in that effectiveness.

A recent news release: NH Mediator Charles Bauer Receives Advanced Credentials, on its first day of distribution has 101 online pickups, which vary from news outlets such as Yahoo! News, Boston.com and International Business Times. All the pickups look similar in format appearing in the financial sections of these online publications. Could it be the UPI pickup that is being propagated around these news services? And if so, is there any real SEO benefit? There doesn't seem to be much "real news" bounce from it based on the names of the online news pickups.

If any SEO worker bees out there have any knowledge to share based on your experience, please comment on this post. Thanks.


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