"Big Needle"


New Hampshire Evaluates Wastewater Options in Seacoast Region

The New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and The Great Bay Estuary Commission recently announced a study of future options to address the region’s wastewater management needs. Managing the increasing volume of treated wastewater and determining how to dispose of septage is one of the biggest challenges facing the Seacoast region over the next decade, according to State Senator Russell Prescott, who sponsored Senate Bill 70 and chairs the Great Bay Estuary Commission. “As a result of the forward thinking of the Strafford Regional Planning Commission and other local groups, this study will ensure that we review the issues involved and that citizens of this area have an understanding of the financial and environmental impacts of addressing the region’s future needs,” Prescott added. For more information, see the project web site at www.coastalclear.org.